
enjoying colorists with “Tekenuurtje”

Funny line drawings make me happy. But colourful shapes art makes my heart sing.

Here’s me enjoying being “a colorist” with a photo prompt from #tekenuurtje2024 by @housecatillustration.

I don’t dare to work on this piece anymore atm so I’m showing it as is. Next week I may dare to take colour pencils to it. For now it’s in my room and I’m enjoying it like it is right now.

Colorists I enjoy are Pierre Lesieur, Pierre Boncompain and Pierre Bonnard. And the recent cat paintings by Illussaraceline on Instagram.

Compositions of shapes and colours…. and cats… I don’t think my eyes know anything better.

#catpainting #gramma #sketch #painting #kattentekening #colourist #verfschets #kleurenstudie

ColoriCombo, limited colour palettes.

An art challenge by Esté MacLeod on Instagram. Every week only four colours and a monthly theme which for January is ‘house’.

I’m working in colour pencils and/because I’ve chosen a dedicated drawing book and its pages are too thin for inks or paints.

Trying to work with expressive strokes and lines more and more. And I always enjoy thinking about colour combinations, in dark-light, in colour contrasts.

Plus thinking about compositions, now that this is always a square canvas because of Instagram.

#coloricombo #coloricombo2024

more funny cat drawings


caught a fishy


in front of the Ministry of Silly Walks

Cat helping gardening:

Lovable nerd:

internet cat Booker who loves to look at an ice cube melting. Such a happy scientist!
“Cat lady”

two “cat café” with unusual perspectives

Cat pushing coffee onto mouse. Cat café.

Such perspective is called “wurm eye view”, it’s one of the ‘wide angles’ I think? Just like ‘fish eye’. I like extreme perspectives 🙂

It gives the opportunity to play with composition, one of my joys.

Abstract cat pushing coffee of the table.

This one is clearly a composition joy. Inspired by Pierre Bonnard who often uses two perspectives when painting a table top, one from the side and one from the top.

With suggestions of other round things on the table. Bowls, oranges?

I like the connection between the brown splotches. Coffee tail fur spots shadow of a bowl.

My fav colour combination at the moment.

cat café and V Gogh’s cat café

Cat café terrasse at night…. inspired by Van Gogh:

This painting is in a museum in the Netherlands, KröllerMoller.

I don’t remember having ever seen it in real life but I have seen others, at the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam.

A few Sunflowers and the Spring blooming tree branch, to celebrate that his brother had become a father.

It is LOVELY to see real painting up close. My life has changed the day I saw Vermeer Milk gal in Den Haag. And again when I saw Bonnard’s Arcadia in Amsterdam. And every time I’ve went to look at Van Goghs.

This was all when I was a student, in the ‘90s, and you could get close to paintings and just stand there and admire one for an hour without someone else in the room who could be bothered by you hogging the piece.

Oh! Bridget Riley’s work, not so long ago, in Edinburgh.

Anyway, i’m having fun with this catty prompt list and I have two other pieces in the workings for the prompt ‘cat café’.

first doodle of the year: Catnap!

for a prompt list on Instagram #HappyMewCatYear

Again a first quick sketch on a paper scrap which pleases me so much that I work it up with ink and colour. It’s been happening to me for years and clearly will be a feature in 2024. I don’t mind, it makes me giggle.

Quite a bit of association to the style of Bill Watterson, eh? Calvin and Hobbes. Well, he IS a master of the sable inkt brush and feisty youngsters.